Consumer Lawsuit Filed Against Brita for Deceptive & Unfair Business Practices

In August, a consumer class action lawsuit was filed against the popular water filtration manufacturer Brita, claiming that the company misled consumers regarding the effectiveness of its water filter products; specifically alleging that the water filters do not remove potentially hazardous substances from drinking water or reduce the levels of those contaminants, as the company claims.
Lawsuit Claims
Those bringing the lawsuit claim that they purchased the water filters and associated products due to the statements made on Brita’s packaging, including that these products reduce 30 contaminants, such as Asbestos, Benzene, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, and more. Claimants argue that these claims are false, as the products do not remove or reduce the common contaminants they claim to to below detectable limits, nor do they reduce or remove the highest risk, prevalent, notorious contaminants from tap water, including “PFAS” forever chemicals, at least one of which may be present in up to 45 percent of all drinking water in the U.S.
As a result, the lawsuit claims, Brita not only “bilked” millions of dollars from consumers, but caused consumers to forgo more effective alternatives, placing their health and welfare at risk.
Ohio Consumer Protection Laws
Like other states, Ohio’s consumer protection laws prohibit unfair or deceptive acts or practices bearing suppliers like Brita from committing these acts or practices in connection with consumer transactions. The Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act defines deceptive or unfair business practices and addresses intentional misconduct that is considered unconscionable. Consumers stuck in circumstances like these can also claim breach of warranty and unjust enrichment when they bring lawsuits against companies that engage in deceptive or unfair business practices.
Lawsuits like these can specifically point out the following illegal practices with respect to the products in question:
- False advertising claims (in the advertising and packaging of the products, making misleading statements and fraudulent omissions regarding and characteristics and quality of the products on the label and packaging of the products)
- Deliberately fraudulent marketing schemes (without having any reasonable basis for the claims made about the products in their advertising and on packaging or labeling; intentionally advertising and marketing the products to deceive reasonable consumers to believe that they accomplish what they do not)
- Misleading advertising claims causing the purchase of products (which leads reasonable consumers to believe that the products can do something that they cannot)
- Injury in fact (what plaintiffs have suffered – often including lost money or property – as a result of and in reliance upon challenged representations and/or material omissions)
Contact Our Columbus & Dayton, Ohio Consumer Protection Attorneys
If you or a loved one has concerns about unfair or deceptive business practices here in Ohio, contact the Columbus consumer claim attorneys of Kohl & Cook Law Firm today for a free consultation to find out how we can help.