Responding to a Foreclosure Complaint in Ohio

In Ohio, a mortgage servicer can file a foreclosure complaint with the courts 120 days after you are delinquent on your mortgage payment. As the homeowner, you have 28 days to file an answer to the foreclosure complaint. Failure to file an answer may result in default judgement, which means the lender wins the foreclosure lawsuit.
The foreclosure complaint will include a copy of your mortgage obligations and a copy of your promissory note. The foreclosure complaint will also include reasons the mortgage servicer is filing a complaint against you. If you disagree with the reasons of the complaint, you can raise awareness about the reasons in your answer.
The foreclosure defense attorneys at Kohl & Cook Law Firm, help homeowners in Ohio file answers to foreclosure complaints and fight foreclosure. Filing an answer to a foreclosure complaint can be difficult for homeowners. The answer has to be filed with the lenders attorney and the courts. The answer also has to include all necessary information to fight the complaint because you may not be able to add more information later in the lawsuit.
For immediate assistance filing an answer and responding to a foreclosure complaint in Ohio, please send us a message online or call us at (614)763-5111.
More about Foreclosure Defense in Ohio:
4 Tips to Avoid Foreclosure in Ohio when Facing Financial Hardships
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